Areas Global

HERfinance Digital Wages Tech Learning Tool for Workers

This gamified tech learning tool developed with Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and QuizRR uses engaging films, quizzes, and animation to support workers to increase their financial health and benefit from digital wages. The learning tool includes 6 training modules,…

HERfinance Digital Wages Curriculum

HERfinance Digital Wages Curriculum contains a collection of 90-minute training modules and materials on different financial topics designed for the factory setting to be used during the transition from cash to digital wages and to improve financial health.

Advancing women’s digital financial inclusion

Endorsed by G20 finance ministers, this report outlines 10 policy options to enable G20 members and other governments to rapidly work towards digital financial inclusion of all women. These will not only drive women’s greater economic participation but will also…

OECD/INFE Core Competencies Framework on financial literacy for MSMEs

This document contains a high-level, outcome-based, internationally relevant, core competencies framework on financial literacy for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and potential entrepreneurs. It highlights a range of financial literacy outcomes that may be important to sustain or improve…