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The impact of smartphones on financial inclusion
This slide deck discusses how mobile phones can contribute to financial inclusion.
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This slide deck discusses how mobile phones can contribute to financial inclusion.
This paper reviews evidence on the benefits and challenges faced by governments migrating from cash to digital (electronic) government-to-person (G2P) payments. When supported by an appropriate consumer financial protection framework, digital payments enable confidential and convenient financial services, which can…
This document describes the types of knowledge that adults aged 18 or over could benefit from, what they should be capable of doing and the behaviours that may help them to achieve financial well-being, as well as the attitudes and…
The 2016 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion provide a basis for country action plans reflecting country context and national circumstances to leverage the potential offered by digital technologies.
This document contains the objectives and key components of this international framework, and presents the flexible, outcome-based, core competencies framework itself. The framework is designed to be applicable to youth aged 15 to 18, taking into account outcomes that will…
Individuals and businesses make numerous payments every day. They sometimes have choices about what forms of payment to make or accept, and at other times are effectively forced to use a particular form. Often there is an asymmetric power relationship…
This guidance note discusses how to design the payment systems of public employment programmes in a progressive way for scaling-up service delivery and financial inclusion and avoid unintended effects.
Global smartphone adoption is set to ramp up massively in the coming years, particularly in developing markets. As more unbanked consumers gain access to smartphones and mobile internet services, new opportunities for mobile financial services models will arise. This GSMA…