Topics Sustainable enterprises

Wage Digitization Digest

The Wage Digitization Digest was a monthly desk-based intelligence report produced by Synergos from May 2020 – June 2021 that sourced from English-language media spanning a monthly timeframe specified in the digest. The report covered the impact on workers during…

The rise of ‘fringetech’: Regulatory risks in earned-wage access

In the absence of regulatory guardrails, some earned wage access programs can perpetuate, and in some instances exacerbate, the very risks providers claim to eliminate when displacing short-term creditors like payday lenders. This article proposes a federal-level regulatory framework based…

Report on IOE digital wage payments conference (virtual)

This report summarizes the discussion of a virtual conference on the opportunities and challenges created by digital wage payments, organized on 3 February 2021 by the International Organisation of Employers, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization and the Better…