Types News & Blogs

Factory wage digitization trends

This blog post describes the evolution of digital wage payments in factories spread across Bangladesh’s five main industrial areas (Chittagong, Dhaka City, Gazipur, Narayanganj, and Savar). The findings are based on monthly phone interviews conducted between April and October 2020…

BGMEA’s response to Daily Star editorial and SANEM report

The editorial published by The Daily Star with the headline “Financial hardship of RMG workers” mentioned that the RMG workers’ appears to be an inaccurate interpretation of the original study report by SANEM / MFO which is seriously misleading. Though…

Gender differences in the wage digitization experience

This blog post presents findings from interviews conducted over the phone with a pool of 894 workers employed in factories spread across the five main industrial areas of Bangladesh (Chittagong, Dhaka City, Gazipur, Narayanganj, and Savar) who reported being paid…

Digital wages and what it means for women

This blog post considers the importance of wage digitization for women’s financial inclusion and raises questions for discussion at BRAC’s Frugal Innovation Forum.