Types Publications

Digital wages for decent work in Indonesia – A rapid assessment

Digital wage payments (through bank accounts, mobile money wallets or prepaid cards) can benefit workers and enterprises and contribute to achieving public policy goals. But the transition from cash to responsible digital wages brings challenges such as limited financial infrastructure…

Digital wages for decent work in Peru – A rapid assessment

Digital wage payments (through bank accounts, mobile money wallets or prepaid cards) can benefit workers and enterprises and contribute to achieving public policy goals. But the transition from cash to responsible digital wages brings challenges such as limited financial infrastructure…

Igniting SDG Progress Through Digital Financial Inclusion

Digital financial services offer real hope to help the world get back on track from the severe negative impacts from COVID-19. Building on the success of the 2018 edition, this new version provides updated and extensive evidence-based examples of the benefits…

The expanding universe of bilateral labor agreements

Since the end of World War II, pairs of countries have entered into over a thousand bilateral labor agreements (BLAs) to regulate the cross-border flow of workers. These agreements have received little public or academic attention. This is likely, in…

The Global Findex Database 2021

Financial inclusion is a cornerstone of development, and since 2011, the Global Findex Database has been the definitive source of data on global access to financial services from payments to savings and borrowing. The 2021 edition, based on nationally representative…

The potential gains of digitizing garment sector wages in Cambodia

To assess the market potential for digital wage payments in Cambodia’s garment sector (which employs approximately 80% female workers), the research team interviewed representatives of the three main stakeholder groups—factories, financial service providers, and workers — as well as other…